Friday, February 18, 2011

525,600 Minutes

Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes,
Five hundred twenty-five thousand moments so dear.
Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes
How do you measure, measure a year?

Today marks exactly one year from Maddy's diagnosis of Skeletal Dysplasia (the broad term that covers all kinds of dwarfism, both lethal and non-lethal). What a year it has been! I've written so much about the past year in previous posts, such as this review of 2010 (which wasn't that long ago really) so I'm not going to write another one of those. I've been remembering though, thinking of how far we have come, how much our lives have changed, and how blessed I have felt through it all. The past twelve months have included six months of pregnancy, four months of NICU and only two months of Maddy being home with us! And next Thursday will be my first "anniversary" of this blog :)

Today, Maddy had her MRI. In some ways it was easier than I expected, in other ways it was harder. Maddy was very settled and managed to sleep pretty well in the time before her appointment. I was a little worried that she wouldn't be able to sleep and would be cranky and hungry, but she did really well! The doctor inserting the cannula on the other hand didn't do so fantastically! It took at least four stabs and about 15 minutes before he managed to find a vein. I was about to ask him to stop and find someone who had more experience with babies! Poor Maddy did not like that experience one bit - from that time, she was pretty much screaming inconsolably for half an hour until it was time for her to be sedated - and even then she was still whimpering in her sleep for a while.

After that though, everything was fine. Maddy was knocked out pretty good. The sedation is meant to wear off after 30-60 minutes, but Maddy slept for two hours! The MRI went fine, but it will still be a couple of weeks until our orthopedic appointment to find out the results and what, if anything, needs to be done for Maddy's hips.

Anyway, back to the original topic though - I just wanted to say thanks to all of you, my readers/followers who have supported us SO much over this past year. I've had emails and messages from so many people, people who I wouldn't have even expected to know or care about our situation. I've made countless new friends who have helped us along the way. When I started this blog, it was mainly so that I could pass the information about Maddy on to whoever wanted to read it (and hopefully in the process, I wouldn't have to tell it over and over again!) - but I wasn't expecting to receive so much love and support from all you guys. This past year has been a crazy journey for us - but thanks for being there with us through it all :)


  1. Happy for all the little things. Happy for the Maddy blessing.

  2. I'm glad that Maddy did well during her MRI, but sorry that the IV was rough. I hate that part. :( I hope her results are good!

  3. Oddly, I read your opening lines of 525,600 minutes while watching Rent and the song came on...ha!! Talk about perfect timing. Nik, I wouldn't imagine NOT following and praying for you guys! I'm thankful for the internet that allowed me to meet you in the first place, and now helps to keep us all updated on our little Maddy!

  4. Amy - funny thing, you posted on Facebook the other day about Glee doing a Rent song and that's when 525,600 minutes got stuck in my head (I've been singing it for nearly a week now!) - and I thought it was an appropriate title for this post ;) I LOVE that song, one of my fav broadway songs of all time! I hope they do THAT song on Glee, that'd be good!

  5. Wow! A year already?! Time certainly does fly! Love the title (and song) too! Uh oh, now I am going to have it stuck in my head! LOL! I hope Maddy's MRI results are good. Sonya seems to sleep extra after sedations too. She was a really hard stick with IV's as well before she got her port. I love keeping up with you through your blog. You are a wonderful writer! I feel the same way about my blog, never expected so many people to be reading and supporting. I thought if anything I wouldn't have to repeat myself a 525,600 times! Internet connections are awesome! :)
